As Promised Magazine / No. 1
As Promised Magazine / No. 1

Founded and designed by David Haliva, As Promised magazine is a quarterly print publication exploring the culture and lifestyle from the Eastern Mediterranean region.
Our first issue (October 2018) examined identity. In an attempt to understand how origin influences our motivations and tastes, both latent and conscious, we asked our readers a question and opened with, where are you from? Our first issue refreshed and expanded our own understanding of the Levant and introduced our readers to a region that is relatable regardless of where you are technically from.

Cover photo by Miri Davidovitz

Founded and designed by David Haliva, As Promised magazine is a quarterly print publication exploring the culture and lifestyle from the Eastern Mediterranean region.
Our first issue (October 2018) examined identity. In an attempt to understand how origin influences our motivations and tastes, both latent and conscious, we asked our readers a question and opened with, where are you from? Our first issue refreshed and expanded our own understanding of the Levant and introduced our readers to a region that is relatable regardless of where you are technically from.

Cover photo by Miri Davidovitz


© David Haliva 2020 

© David Haliva 2020 

Now is a perfect time to say Hi

T. +972-3-6828787

Now is a perfect time to say Hi

T. +972-3-6828787

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